Make sure that you upload all your Proof of Evidence (POE) to your school (G-drive) folder for us be able to officially award your Forms badge. Ask your ITE for your folder link. Check how many of the following criteria you have already mastered! If you need assistance with any of the criteria, please book a one on one with your ITE or work through the how-to tutorials for the forms badge.
You can now earn your GFC Global certificate in some cases. This is optional (for teachers). It is advisable for teachers to do the certificate as proof of competency and will level you up to two stars (double badge power).

The criteria for the Forms Badge are as follows:
Please make sure that you can do ALL of the items below. If you can't do it, please ask your friendly ITE for support. You have to be able to:
- Access and sign into Google forms.
- Create a new form from scratch or using a template.
- Customizes the form title, description, and themes to suit educational purposes.
- Add various question types (multiple choice, short answer, paragraph, checkboxes, dropdowns, etc.).
- Adjusts question settings, such as making questions required, adding descriptions, and setting up validation rules.
- Add Multimedia like images and video into questions to enhance engagement and understanding.
- Create section breaks and branching logic to create a dynamic, non-linear form experience.
- Organize questions logically and groups related questions together for coherence.
- Demonstrate how to collect and manage form responses effectively.
- Configure response settings (e.g., limiting to one response per person, enabling/disabling response editing).
- Set up email notifications for new responses.
- Generates summary reports and charts within Google Forms or Google Sheets.
- export form responses to a google sheet for data analysis.
- Know how to use google forms for educational purposes:
- Creating Assessments using Google Forms for formative and summative assessments, like quizzes, parent and learner feedback forms, attendance tracking or daily check-ins,
- Share forms with collaborators and learners with appropriate permissions (view, edit, etc.)
- Create a short url for your google form.
- Have you uploaded a lesson or classroom related material into your school G-drive POE folder? Then you are ready to get your Forms badge.
- You can also get your Google self marking test badge - an extra star to your Google forms badge if you create a self marking test- see how here: https://klearning.co.za/2024/03/27/teachers-how-to-create-a-self-marking-test-with-a-dash-of-ai/ (double badge)
Badge Activities
Activity one (ALL)
- Register for an account on the GFCGlobal platform Google forms
- Complete the GCFGlobal course. Make sure that you make notes as you go along. Watch the videos and complete the tasks within the course.
- Complete the Google forms assessment and download the certificate.
- Save it in your POE folder with the file name formsbadge_YournameYoursurname.pdf e.g. formsbadgeMaggieVerster.pdf.
- Upload your certificate to your school (teacher) folder (ask your ITE for the POE link).
- Create a subject related form for your DIeP lesson (e.g. a feedback form, exit ticket, a multiple choice test etc) and share the link to the form on a document in your forms badge folder (teachers)
How to tutorials
- See the collection of how to tutorials at: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP7Bvyb3ap47AiejbtiOXBKBPhqqJiaUr
- Microsoft tutorial:
- Creating a New Form
- Sending Out a Form to Collect Responses
- Sharing with a Collaborator
- Viewing and Sharing Form Results
- Adjusting your Form Settings, Including:
- Who can respond, and how
- Start and End Dates
- Question Shuffling
- Email Notification on New Response
- Adding and Customizing Basic Branching
- Frequently Asked Questions