Welcome to the K-Learning practise site, where ITE’s, teachers and collaborators get to practise their new IT skills live, online.

to the kLearning practise and learning site,
where IT enablers, teachers and collaborators get to practise their new IT skills live, online.


How can schools become e-learning centres of excellence?

School lounge
Tech support

Access tech support, how-to tutorials and app ideas 

Technology lounge

Get lesson plan ideas and share your integration learning pathway

Teacher lounge
IT Enablers (ITEs)

Our learnerships create confident and skilled IT enablers who support our eVision for our KILT schools.

ITE lounge

The Theory of Change informs our work in our Knysna schools. To make change happen, we....

  • Facilitate and support eLearning integration in the classrooms
  • Support school leaders
  • Support teachers in using new e-Learning tools effectively
  • Ensure that e-Learning is used daily for T&L
  • Reward and track schools eLearning integration through a  point system
  • Provide and encourage the use of online and offline resources for T&L
Meet Our e-learning Support Team

Our Team leaders and IT Enablers (ITEs)

Working together to make our Knysna schools e-Friendly!

News and stories

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