eLearning Resources
This is our resource area where we will share resources created by our teachers as well as resources curated from across the eduweb.
Upload your lesson material into your school resource folder (ask your friendly ITE how and submit your lesson plan here:
Teachers are always super busy preparing, teaching and getting on with the job of equipping our learners for a brighter future. It is therefore essential that we are here for one another to share resources that will make our jobs just that little bit easier. So we are inviting our KILT teachers community to become part of our resource curation.
Every resource shared will contribute 5 points towards your school leaderboard! Resource links will be 5 points provided nobody else has shared the resource already!
I have used flipped classroom to help learners to prepare with the WOW Spelling festival coming up. I send a video I made to the parents and they are currently busy getting the learners ready at home. The video is a step by step video with clear instructions. When learners come to school we reinforce and train further so that our learners can excel in the spelling competition. This helps a lot with time management in the classroom.
WWonderful- Just complete your lessojnpan and voila- Flipbadge!!