Vision, Missions and Goals

On Monday 13 June & Tuesday 14 June, myself and the fellow August Ite's were scheduled for training at Knysna Secondary school . It had been a while since we've all had training together and we did not know the outcomes and what exactly we were going to have training on. We've had so many training days on our now 11 month journey in this program that sometimes when the word training gets brought up one gets quite sullen because you think it's sometimes a bit repetitive but I can confidently say that these two days of training was honestly one of the best sessions I've had in this program .

These sessions made me think and reevaluate the way I see myself and my future from a different point of view. When thinking about our lives, visions and goals I think it is easy to fall in to phase of stagnation whether it is because we feel hopeless or even when falling in a place of comfort it is easy for our vision and goals to get a bit scrambled and we forget our 'WHY' and our 'WHAT' .

Why am I doing what I am doing? What is it that I'm working towards? Why is it beneficial to me to set these goals and visions into place? What is my vision for myself? These questions were the base of the self reflection I had after these two training days. I think it easy to feel hopeless , to feel as if you have to get your life together right now at this moment we live as if there is a deadline and a set age limit to achieve , to better yourself, to learn and to grow. I learnt the importance of having a vision for yourself , I realized that having a clear vision and goals is the first stepping stone of growing and working towards that future you desire. You can actually look at visions and goals as the catalyst that sets of your journey to achieving all your goals . I think we get so caught up in working towards things and wanting certain things that we do not even know why we do what we do, why we make the decisions you make and I think that, that is why we get so caught up and frustrated when things do not go the way , we thought it would be. We are sometimes so unfair towards ourselves when our lives are not where we imagined it would be at a certain age or time and these two days made me see that.

I am thankful to Maggie Verster and Nandipha September our two leaders for having these sessions with us at a time when our journey within this company is close to coming to an end , we are going into a time of uncertainty but uncertainty does not always have to be daunting and gloomy , uncertainty can also be exciting , uncertainty can be the start of something bigger and better .

I walked away with a clear set of goals , with a clear vision and with confidence in myself ,confidence in the me that is not perfect, confidence in the me that does not have her entire life together all the time and confidence in the me I will be in the future.

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