
Vocational Focus Grade 11
Welcome to our e-learning training today grade 11's Hope you have lots
Vocational Focus: What would you like to be known as?
As you are standing at the threshold of your future careers, take
Vocational Training Grade 11 and 12s
Welcome to our holiday training for our Vocational Focus learners!! Your friendly
Vocational Focus: Internet & Digital safety
In this Internet session, we are going to learn more about the
Vocational Focus Email Workshop
As part of our ITE, teacher and vocational badge system, you can
Vocational Focus – Create an awesome CV (and get your dream job)
Your goal today is to create a professional looking, awesome CV using
Excel Badge
As part of our ITE, teacher and vocational badge system, you can
Basic Word Badge
As part of our ITE, teacher and vocational badge system, you can
Digital Safety Badge
Digital Safety is about making safe, responsible choices online. It involves protecting
Internet Badge
As responsible digital citizens we need to make sure that we The
Email Badge for Teachers and ITEs
As part of our ITE, teacher and vocational badge system, you can
Future Focus: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Winning CV Using Microsoft Word Templates
As part of our preparation in our Future focus Programme and for
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