How do I submit my DIeP lesson?

This year we will be going diep (Deep Integration of edtech in our Pedagogy). We will be exploring how you can include devices, apps and tools into our classroom practice in a deeply effective way using various different learner centered strategies. So let's start with what informs our practice....

  • TPACK folder:

So how do you go about making your lesson DIeP?

  • You start with your CAPS and ATP. Our learning outcomes must be at the centre of our DIeP lesson!
  • Have a one on one session with your ITE (you need two a month for your targets) to plan your lesson using the Diep lesson template (
  • Look at what tools you have available. If you do not have tablets, a data projector or visualizer etc, ask your friendly neighbourly school if you can borrow it or book our tablet and data projector magic box for your lesson.
  • Make sure that you tick all the boxes🤩✔️as per the slide above
    • Is your lesson learner centered and active (instead of passive learner involvement)?
    • Are all 4 C's incorporated in your lesson?
    • Where in the SAMR model would you say your lesson is? Remember we are trying to not just substitute or augment, we are aiming towards redefinition!
    • Is TPACK balanced? It is not about the tech it is about the learning!
    • Does your use of tech in your lesson grab the attention of your learners?:
    • Are you using tech to engage with your learners and them with each other?
    • Are you using tech to consolidate what the learners have to achieve (/for assessment)
    • Are you using tech for feedback?
    • Was the tech seamless? (We can try....😃)
  • Ask your ITE to take photos/ videos of your lesson (it counts as a one on one in your targets)
  • Upload ALL evidence into you POE folder in your school G-drive (ask your ITE for access)
    • Photos, videos, slideshows, digital word documents etc
    • Lesson template with links to the various online tech eg kahoot, flippity, TikTok, etc). Don't forget to add the tech devices on your lesson template (and how you used them)
  • Claim your badge (If your badge is not available yet, you can be the badge founder by writing the criteria. Essie will design the badge and you will earn double credits on your badge! Send Maggie an email ( See badges that has been opened already!
  • Don't forget to have fun!!!!!

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