Vocational Focus: What would you like to be known as?

As you are standing at the threshold of your future careers, take a minute and think about what would you like to be known as? You can draw from inspirational leaders that touched and mentored you in the past and moments that made you who you are. But more than that....as you are looking to the future, who do you want to be and what difference do you want to make?

We will be called on to stand up and present on many occasions in the future, so this is your chance to practice standing up in front of others and finding your voice. A slideshow is a tool to guide you as you do this. Remember it is not about the slideshow it is bout your story. So the slideshow should:

  • Add to your story
  • Guide you in expressing your story
  • Show your audience some moments in your story (past and future)
  • Use visuals to enhance your story

So, today you will be creating a slideshow using PowerPoint to tell your story.

The criteria for the Slideshow (PowerPoint) Badge, are as follows:

Please make sure that you can do ALL of the items below. If you can't do it, please ask your friendly ITE for support. You have to be able to:

  • Open MS PowerPoint and create a new presentation
  • Add title and subtitle to first slide.
  • Create more slides using various layouts.
  • Add an image to a slide and resize images.
  • Format text on a slide.
    • Can add various visual effects to text.
  • Copy, paste and delete slides.
  • Knows the difference between Editing view and Presentation mode.
  • Present, save and close a presentation.
  • Add and edit images.
    • Crop; Recolour; Resize; Remove background.
  • Layer objects (send backward/forward).
  • Use various slide and object transitions.
  • Make use of Design themes.
  • Save and close a presentation and PowerPoint.
  • Can access Help within PowerPoint.
  • Use slide recording and export your presentation as a video
  • Embed video and audio on a slide.
  • Create a classroom lesson using a slideshow and upload to your google drive teacher folder. Then...

Badge Activities

Activity one

  • Watch the following Death by PowerPoint slideshow
  • Discuss with the person next to you ways in which you will not fall into the same trap as mentioned in the slideshow.

Activity two

  • Create a PowerPoint Slideshow on the topic "How I would like to be know as" as per the introduction above
  • Taking all the criteria for our slideshow badge into consideration, create a slideshow with at least 5 slides, telling your story
  • The slideshow must have visual elements like pictures, headings, text etc (see criteria above)
  • Upload your slideshow to your G-drive folder.

Activity three (Homework)

  1. Register for an account on the GFCGlobal platform
  2. Complete the optional PowerPoint GCFGlobal course. Make sure that you make notes as you go along. Watch the videos and complete the tasks within the course.
  3. Complete the PowerPoint assessment and download the certificate.
  4. Save it in your POE folder with the file name pptbadge_YournameYoursurname.pdf e.g. pptbadgeMaggieVerster.pdf.
  5. Upload your certificate to your school (teacher) folder (ask your ITE for the POE link).

How to tutorials

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