As part of our ITE, teacher and vocational badge system, you can now earn your GFC Global certificate. Please make sure that you upload all your Proof of Evidence (POE) to your school (G-drive) folder for us be able to officially award your badge. Ask your ITE for your folder link.

The criteria for email are as follows:
- Able to open an email client. (e.g. Gmail. outlook)
- Able to compose email message in text or Rich Text (HTML).
- Able to add a file attachment.
- Able to format text. (Bold, fonts, highlights etc)
- Able to send, reply and forward a message.
- Able to use CC and BCC and know the difference between the two
- Understand the difference between “Reply” and “Reply All”.
- Able to save individual or all attachments to the computer.
- Able to search for an email by sender, date, or Contents.
- Able to create a contact list
- Proper greetings, salutations and etiquette as per audience
- Send your facilitator an email and save a copy of your email aand your certificate in your school G-drive folder.
Badge Activities
- Register for an account on the GFCGlobal platform
- Complete the e-mail GCFGlobal course. Make sure that you make notes as you go along. Watch the videos and complete the tasks within the course.
- Complete the email assessment and download the certificate.
- Save it in your POE folder with the file name emailbadge_YournameYoursurname.pdf e.g. emailbadgeMaggieVerster.pdf. (Upload your certificate to your school (teacher) folder (ask your ITE for the POE link).
- Create an email with an email cover letter. Make sure that you use the relevant formal email etiquette
- Attach your certificate to the email
- Send the email, email cover letter and the certificate it to the following email addresses, as well as your instructor.
- Grade 12s: and cc Nonqaba (
- Grade 11s: and cc Nonqaba (