As we prepare for the new year, we will kick off 2025 by reflecting on the good, the bad, and the ugly of 2024 and get our vibe ready for a successful 2025.
Programme: 8 January 2025 e-Lesson gift (Day 1) "The Diep end- Our theme for the year: Going Dieper
Venue: Knysna Secondary School
- 9:00 - 9:30 Hugs, laptops back, show and tell. (At least three photos that demonstrate your holiday)
- 9:30-10:30 Welcome back to 2025 (Maggie)
- 10:30- 15:00 Day 1 Activity 1: Diep e-lesson gift preparation
- 12:00-13:00 Lunch
Activity 1 e-Lesson gift for teacher s(Diep-end- individual activity)

- Pretend you are a new DIEP teacher preparing your first DIep e-lesson for a CAPS lesson in week 2.
- Consult the ATPs and see what topics the teachers will teach in week 2. You can pick a topic from any of the Phases and grades (except FET) for maths and languages. Make sure that you consult the textbooks that they will be using!
NB NB NB - go and pick your grade and subject now so that we have a spread of lessons! - Think about how you would insert tech "dieply" into the lesson (what tech tools can they use for that specific topic- do some research/chatgpt) and create a feasible lesson plan with the inserted tech, strategies and all the requirements. See the How do I create a Diep lesson post)
- Create a presentation to guide the learners (pretending you are the teacher) and prepare/plan the tech infusions for your lesson.
- Each week, starting next Friday, we will choose 1-3 to present their lessons, after which we will do a constructive learning and sharing session. Be prepared to present Friday.
- Consult the ATPs and see what topics the teachers will teach in week 2. You can pick a topic from any of the Phases and grades (except FET) for maths and languages. Make sure that you consult the textbooks that they will be using!
- Resources:
- POE in folder:
- Completed lesson plan
- Powerpoint/presentation
- Other tools e.g. flippity, kahoot etc
Programme: 9 January 2025 Baseline test and planning 2025 (Day 2)
Venue: Knysna Secondary Computer Lab
09:00 -12:00 Activity 1 Baseline test 2025 (Lyndie)
13:00- 15:00 Activity 2 Vision board for 2025 (Phumie)
Programme: 10 January 2025 Preparation for 2025 (Day 3)
Venue: 6 Queen Street (Knysna Hope Training Centre)
08:30 -10:00 Activity 1 How to back up all your photos and stuff (Bradley)
10:00- 11:00 Activity 2 Backing up and sorting 2025 files and folders. (Maggie, Lyndie and Anidene)
11:00-12:00 Activity 3: Logframe discussion and Diep teacher recruitment (Maggie) (Targets 2024)
13:00-14:00 Activity 4: Creating your personal space on the website (ITEs Maggie) (take notes)
14:00- 15;00 Activity 5: e-lesson presentation drafts review (Maggie)