9:00-10:00 Blog post counts and badge
10:00-11:00 Badges
11:00-12:00 Logframe data and point negotiations
13:00-15:00 Gamificat6ion and games
1) Blog post and counts
We will be including blog posts for our ITE point system. The heat is on!!! Criteria for blogpost:
- Register as a blog user
- Create and edit a new post
- Added a cover picture
- Topic must be specific
- Visible to the public:
- Are there tags, categories.
- Is there a featured image?
- Check your spelling and grammer.
- Is content relevant?
- AI may be used but must be critically checked and personalised (suggestion: write it and THEN put it through AI)
- Is it visually pleasing with a good layout.
- Have you embedded posts from other sources (TikTok, Wakelet, Instagram, Facebook)
Next weeks homework:
- Go through all your blogpost and check the criteria
- Add a blogpost about you with pictures and embeds. (Wakelet, Tiktok,....)
2) Badges
- Look if there is a live badge
- Badge page:
- Make sure that you (your teacher) can do all the things on the criteria list
- Upload evidence to your (your teacher's folder)
- Complete the online tracking sheet for your teachers.
- Do the certificate and add to your POE folder. Not compulsary for teachers but will earn them extra points
- Complete the badge claim form
- If there is not a badge for it YET, the teacher can create the badge (Do the criteria) and earn double points.
3) Logframe data
- Check your folders for Teacher badges and one on ones and update your tracking sheet
- See Lyndie/Essie for outstanding data and elessons
- Make sure all work and POes are uploaded
4) Games and gamification
- Games wakelet
- See Games list here.
- Look at what your teachers will be teaching in the ATP and CAPS in the next 3 weeks and create a maths game for them.
- Link your game to the Google doc above