As IT enabler you will need to create quick, on the go, instructional videos for the teachers and learners. A great tool to do this job is Screenpal video creator. You can record free 5 minutes of video at a time (15 minutes pr day) which is plenty for quick how-to tutorials and instructional videos. It also have a basic editor for trimming and adding effects.
To learn more about how we can use screenpal video in the classrooms, see here: https://screenpal.com/education.
Activity 1:
Work through the following videos to learn how to use this tool. You can see all the Screenpal instructional videos here: https://www.youtube.com/@screenpal
1.1. What is screenpal? (Watch)
1.2 Sign up for Screenpal and install the programme on your/lab computer and as a browser extension. You can also install it on your cellphone (Do)
1.3.1 Go to https://screenpal.com/
1.3.2 Click on record for free
1.3.3 It will ask to download the app
Activity 2:
Create your first How-to tutorial using Screenpal. You will be creating a how-to for one of the Flippity.net tools. You have now already created a Flippity tool for one of your teachers. You now have to help them to understand how you created it and share your Screenpal video tutorial with them, if they want to go and try it by themself! See the Flippity assignment here. https://kiltelearning.co.za/2023/06/08/ites-flippity-assignment/. We trust that you enjoyed your one on one session with your teacher. Make sure that you do a report back on how it was🥰😊
Share your Screenpal Flippity instructions with them and upload it into your POE folder and Whatsapp it to our group.
Due date: Tuesday the 20th June