During this workshop, Leadership (Principals and ICT-coordinators) of schools are invited to participate in an important discussion session where we will look at how schools can get what they want using their schools Vision and Mission for eLearning.
It is important that we know how many people will be attending for catering purposes.
Workshop date:-2 August 2022
Venue: Knysna Hope Training Centre, 6 Queen street, Knysna
- Schools eLearning Vision and Mission
- eStar Point System - over to you.
- Connectivity (Issues and solutions)
- Tech Wishlist submission
- Suggestion box
What to bring?
- Your charged cellphone
- Your school's eLearning vision, mission and strategic planning documents.
- Your school wishlist
Attendance of this workshop is worth 50 points per IT coordinator (Principal's double)
- Booking form 5 pts
- Happy sheet 5 points
- Activities and discussions: 40 pts
Download the session presentation by clicking on the picture below:

Discussion questions
- Do we really need eLearning in our KILT schools? Explain your answer
- What should KILT’s e-Vision be?
- What do we (
want) need to make our vision come to life?
- What would your school's Theory of Change be? (If --> Then --> So that --> Ultimately)
- What is your schools e-Vision?
- What is your school's e-Mission?
- What do we need to make our vision come to life?
- How do our ITEs, Techies and Maggie fit into all of this? (What do you need us to do FOR YOU? Be specific.
- What is your schools wish list?
Do we really need eLearning in our KILT schools? Explain your answer
Yes most definitely, elarning is still a vague concept and doing this course will hopefully provide clarity regarding e learning for learners as well as how teachers can best prepare lessons for learners using technology
Yes. We do due to the fact that we are moving towards the 4th Industrial revolution and it requires us to as well as our learners to be tech savvy.
Yes, we are on the fourth industrial revolution and everything is on line.
We have to prepare our learners to be ready for 21st century challenges
All schools need to do elearning. Learners without digital literacy skills are functionally illiterate and not sufficiently equipped to cope with our fast changing technical world.
Yes, to advance learners technology skills and integrate technology with all the subjects.
Yes, we do need E-learning our school. We live in a world where technology is used on daily basis. Thus learner will need to be tech savy after school.
Yes, we do. Our kids will need the tegnology in the future. We need to use the technology in class. We have to move forwaed
Yes. The digital world is the way forward. We first need to educated ourselves before we can help our children.
Yes. Learners need to be introduced to various forms of digital learning. Modern day society requires learners and educators to use the available e resources to enhance learning.
Prepare our learners for the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution.
Most definitely…this also helps to accommodate diversity, brings the outside world closer into the classroom and also helps to unpack abstract concept
Yes. Learners learn more using technology. Their minds revolve around technology
What do we (want) need to make our vision come to life?
Go to https://www.menti.com/uun5x46aih
We living in a futuristic world and the kids are living with cellphone s and we must get up to par, as we living in a digital world
What would your school’s Theory of Change be? (If –> Then –> So that –> Ultimately)
What is your schools e-Vision?
What is your school’s e-Mission?
Most defnitely . The future is digital and we need to prepare our children for jobs that does not yet exist.
How do our ITEs, Techies and Maggie fit into all of this? (What do you need us to do FOR YOU? Be specific
What is your school’s wish list?
Most defnitely . The future is digital and we need to prepare our children for jobs that does not yet exist.
eLearning in schools is a must.
It makes education creative and it encourages teachers and learners to improve in technology. to adopt and makes life easy it inspires and foster a timeless education in the classroom and beyond.