
Email Badge for Teachers and ITEs
As part of our ITE, teacher and vocational badge system, you can
Slideshow Badge (Learners) Voorleggings balkie
Create a Slideshow and get your poster badge Another tool that you
Protected: ITE training October Day 1
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Future Focus: Budget Badge
You are never to young or to old to learn how to
Future Focus: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Winning CV Using Microsoft Word Templates
As part of our preparation in our Future focus Programme and for
We are absolutely thrilled to extend our warmest congratulations to each and
Unplugged Inter KILT Competition: TANKS-Powered by Tangible.
Get ready for an exciting coding competition, TANKS powered by Tangible, as
Computer Nerd Badge (Learners)
Get computer savvy!! What is a computer? How do we get connected
Protected: ITEs: Computer Nerd Badge
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Typing badge (Learners)
Why do we need to know how to type? You are probably
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