
Plickers Badge
Plickers offers a unique approach to formative assessment, allowing teachers to gather
Badge: Slideshow (Powerpoint) Badge
PowerPoint Slideshows is the mainstay of any teachers classroom. You can use
Blooket Badge
App: Criteria: You can:
How to tutorials: Microsoft Word for Maths teachers
Want to quickly learn some word tricks and earn your Word Badge?
Self marking test Badge
Make sure that you upload all your Proof of Evidence (POE) to
Digital Safety Badge
Digital Safety is about making safe, responsible choices online. It involves protecting
Basic Computer Badge
Welcome to our basic computer Badge! This Badge will help you understand how
GeoGebra Badge
What is GeoGebra? "GeoGebra is a dynamic mathematics software for all levels of
Tech Teacher Badge
Tech teachers are the teachers who must know how to run their
Forms Badge
Make sure that you upload all your Proof of Evidence (POE) to
Internet Badge
As responsible digital citizens we need to make sure that we The
Flipped Classroom Badge
If you have not attended the Flipped Classroom workshop, please work through
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