Badge: MS Word Equation Editor

If you are a Maths or Science teacher, you will need to use scientific and mathematical notation to create your worksheets and assessment. MS Word, have a basic build in equation editor that makes this possible.

Check how many of the following criteria you have already mastered! If you need assistance with any of the criteria, please book a one on one with your ITE or work through the how to tutorials for Word.

The criteria for the Equation editor Badge is as follows:

Please make sure that you can do ALL of the items below. If you can't do it, please ask your friendly ITE for support. You have to be able to:

  • Insert an equation in your word document
  • Use digital ink to insert an equation in your Word document.
  • Use tables to insert equations and space questions
  • Create a Question paper that demonstrate your ability to use Equation Editor.

Badge Activities

How to use the Equation Editor in MS Word

Activity 1:

  1. In your top title bar, click on Insert --> Equation (in your Symbols menu)

2. You will see your Equation toolbar at the top, and an equation window to insert your mathematical equation.

3. Start typing your equation.

4. You can also write your equation by activating the Ink Equation option on the left of the equation toolbar ribbon.

5. Normal Word formatting applies for numbering, headings etc.

6. To space our questions evenly, we can make use of 3 (question number, question, mark allocation) table columns.

7. Click on the column borders and move them to create just enough space for the question numbers (column 1) and mark allocations (column 3)

8. Start typing in the equations into the second column, as per instructions 1-4 above.

Activity 2

Your turn: Retype the following test:

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