August Leaderboard

Well done to the schools, teachers ITEs who are chasing the targets and contributing to the leaderboard!! Find out from your friendly ITE how you can contribute by making e-learning happen in your your classroom and school.

Ways in which to make sure that you and your school gets on the leaderboard!

  • Submit your e-learning lessons and resources. Every teacher need to submit 5 e-lessons. All resources counts 5 points.
  • TTT one on one or group sessions. You have to attend 4. Make a date with your friendly ITE and go and learn how you can do something e-cool. (e.g. create a word puzzle, word search, quiz, kahoot, worksheet, wakelet) for your class.
  • Resources, resources resources. Share your PowerPoints, videos that you use with your learners, slideshow that you made for your lesson, with us. Put it in your school online folder and add it to the school self pointing sheet.
  • Make a comment below on how the e-learning programme and ITEs have helped you! You are aiming for 4- 8 comments! Just add your name, email and your school where it says website.

6 thoughts on “August Leaderboard

  1. The work isn’t done. Slowly but surely, Chris Nissen will make its way up the leaderboard!

  2. Ons besef nou hoe belangrik die e-leer vir ons skool en leerders is. Dankie KILT.

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