- Workshop agenda and minutes
- KIlt Logframe indicators 2022
- Vision, Mission Action plan - Mandate for 2023
- School point system - School point discussion - School self-pointing sheet
- Roles and responsibilities Ecop1
- ITEs (working document)
- Leadership
- Teachers
- Techies
- Ebudgets and fundraising
Have the training for teachers with smart classes again in 2023. Better usage of kilt ict labs.
Kilt is doing good. The problem is that we are situated in a community with bad intetnet connections. If Kilt can support us that would be great. Our connections are very bad at the moment.
The community that we are based is small community and internet problem is big issue, and if every classroom is capable of getting wifi it would be nice.
The community that we are based is small community and internet problem is big issue, and if every classroom is capable of getting wifi it would be nice.
Whiteboards in classroom.
Thanks for the lab and computers, our learners are benifit form it and are excited to use the lab