What an amazing experience it was when Fraaisig Primary held the robotic pop-up workshop on the Thursday 11th August 2022.
Grade 7 Learners attended, with ITE’s and the ICT-coordinator Mr. Alexander present. The excitement was felt in the air and the children could not wait to see the robot move and learn about how to set it up and build it.
The ICT leaders Abidan Williams, Keyhayla Marias and Keena Geswindt showed great proficiency, excellent knowledge and strong leadership. The workshop was structured in two phases, ICT leaders presented a presentation on why they liked robotics and what it holds for the future. The second phase of the structure was a demonstration on how each of the robotics sensor works, the ultrasonic sensor to measure distance, colour sensor to detect color and touch sensor to give the robot a sense of feel.
Fraaisig Primary learners welcomed the workshop with open arms and enjoyed the new knowledge very much. The learners got to ask questions and saw the robot move. After the workshop the afterschool scratch coding club went on as usual, but the excitement was still felt in the room. The rumbling of voices could be heard from the front to the back of the class.
The ITE’s and learners of Fraaisig would like to thank Yulin Davids and his Robotics learners for their time and effort. The grade 7 learners will absolutely join next year! And a huge thank you to Antonio Willeman the Project leader for the Exposure.

The Winning Team #Fraaisig Primary