Point Reward system rebooted (please comment)

After our very successful Celebration, we need to reflect on last years point system- what worked and what did not and how we can make it better.

We have taken all the data from last year and recalibrated the point system. We have also appointed a new points guardian of the data that will stay out of getting to know any of you and ONLY work with the data and keep track of things on an ongoing basis. We are busy developing a more accountable system on our side. But we need all the school's input and guidance!

So please help us by giving some input (teachers and leadership) The more comments- the more points!!!!😜See the points allocated to eCOP points in the table below and get going.

ITE training- Attendance5
- Presenting ICT training sessions20
- Webinars5
- Courses (course pt allocation- Will be based on duration and certification- to be discussed)
Check-ins/outs other
- Before 81
- In Kilt wear/black2
- With ICT coordinator5
- Check-in with principal10
- Check-outs with leadership5
- WA response to ‼️NB‼️ Messages1
ITE Data collectionDaily Data sheet scan uploads1
Data sheets online (on the day)1
Data sheets online (weekly)2
Robotics data collection (monthly)
After school club data collection
TTT/TwT data submission (attendance) weekly5
Keeping the point sheet up to date (monthly)50
ITE Teacher's Training- TTT training for staff20
- 121 training for staff10
- TTT training- other teachers attending20
- Creating Tutorials/Howtos10
Training- Completing the baseline test50
- Booking for a session5
- Attending a TTT session + happy sheet20
- Attending a WCED webinar + proof20
- Completing the attendance/happy sheet5
- Attending a TwT session40
- Facilitating TTT training + how many colleagues attend40
- If teachers from other schools attend40
- Materials from your facilitated session (see e-lesson resources)20
- Participation in after school fun clubs- per session. 20
- AI training course50
- Making comments on blogposts (5 points per meaningful comment)5
- Writing a blogpost. 20
e-Lessons- Basic e-lesson20
- Powerpoint/ slideshow/kahoot/Quizz (Self created)20
- Lesson resources (worksheets, tests, other)5
- Resources sources from other platforms/ collegues/ WCED/portals/ youtube5
- TwT lesson implementation with proof40
Workshops en meetingsMeetings ICT coordinator20
Principals doubleMeetings Principals (Double)40
Coffee chats attendance30
Bootcamp day (13 April 2023) Attendance100
Leadership Workshop attendance50
e-Cop (website topic) participation (5-10 pts)/message or comment5
Start a discussion topic (5-10pts)10
School info &docs- School info spreadsheet (kept curent with teachers, learners, equipment no's)100
- MoU400
- Indicator sign off200
- Vision, mission, ToC, action plan500
- Asset register200
- Teacher contact list with media consent signed by all teachers200
- ICT policy200
Lab and techAttendance Learners: Lab periods/possible periods x 100 x 2 --> ITE lead
Attendance Learners: Lab periods/possible periods x 100 x 5 --> teacher lead
Clean labs weekly (monthly checks)10
Un-necessary callouts (see tech check manuals)-20
Other possible pointsCelebration attendance % x 2
KILT: Art exhibition200
Blog posts (principal double)20
Active social media presence ( 3 posts per week--> @ kiltelearning/ @kiltknysna tagged)
Staff participating currently in eLearning courses (To be discussed-TBD)

Reminder..... (read post and comment!!!)

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