Thank you for joining us for our Game Based learning workshop for Maths teachers! We hope that you will have a lot of fun and learn a few new tools and tricks!!
Activity one: Kahoot - What is Game Based learning and Gamification?
- Go to kahoot it (in your Chrome browser), insert the game code and your name and wait for the game to start!!
- Create an account at and search for relevant topics that you are teaching. Evaluate some of the premade Kahoots for usability and adaption for your classroom.
Activity 2: Mentimeter - Discussion and consolidation
- Got to (or and wait for the the facilitator to open the discussion.
- Was this an example of gamification? Motivate.
- Search for relevant topics in your subject area and adapt the slides for your purposes. Do the questions enhance mathematical knowledge and or thinking? See the fraction one:
Activity 3: Blooket - Level up!
- Go to and wait for the Exponents game to start.
- How does this game compare to the games we played before?
- What was the game elements?
Activity 4: Using quizzes for whole class engagement
- Get your team spirit going!! In which team are you??? 1-->2-->3-->4
- Wait for the facilitator to start the game.
- Investigate the various games that have on offer
- Use Ai to create your quiz options (see example done with here
Activity 5: Create your own game using
- Play the matching game by yourself (Maths shapes ) Spreadsheet
- How can you improve the choices to make it challenging for the learners at their level?
- How to insert maths shapes or equations into your Flippity.
- Create/equation pictures or shapes in a folder.
- Upload to
- Choose your code for all images as the Direct link
- Play the flashcard game (maths termimology) and change it into a matching game for your class.
- Change or create a crossword puzzle, or better still, let the learners create their own crossword puzzles and flashcards and compete with one another! (Critique example)
Activity 6: Other maths learning game sites
- Auto games:
- Please add your apps and games below in the comments or on the Facebook group
Earn your Game based learning and gamification badge!
- How do I submit my DIeP lesson?
- (template)
- (criteria for badge)
- (badges index of av available badges)
Please add any tools or apps that you are using to this comment and how you use it with your learners.