
Workshop: Copyright, Fair Use, Plagiarism and the POPI Act. Know your rights! Please book!
Can't believe how fast this term is rushing to conclusion. We will
Leadership workshop 3: The way forward
During this workshop, Leadership (Principals and ICT-coordinators) of schools are invited to
TWT Module 5 coming up!! Please book!!
This term is our term for implementation of the four strategies that
Team building
As part of our TwT catch-up session, we did a reflection on
Module 1 and 2 catchup sessions
What did you think of our two strategies, Storytelling and Learning stations.
Lego Robotics Training days
Edunova- Kilt is happy to invite our KILT schools to our Lego
eLeadership Workshop 10 May
The KILT team is inviting all principals and IT coordinators to this
TTT – Revolutionizing Education: How AI is transforming the way we learn and teach
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword in the field of education
School leaders: Workshop 1
This workshop served to introduce the school leadership to what the KILT
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