I am Zimkita Ndevu, I started the journey of being an ITE in August 2021. I was so stressed and nervous as it normally happens when a person starts on a new job, but I told myself that nothing will stop me so I will push until I get the opportunity. I knew that I loved and enjoy working with kids but I was not sure about my computer skills if they were perfect or not.

All the ITE's were placed in different schools, so me and my colleague Sigourney Louw were placed at Concordia High. We were both frustrated because we didn't know anyone who was there except Sigourney's father Mr Louw, who was our ICT Coordinator. But, after some couple of months we created a relationship with the principal, teachers and all the staff members. It was good to work with Sigourney, one important thing that I have learnt from her when you are working as a team is Communication and that is what made us to work much easier.

At the beginning of term 3 in July 2022, I was placed at Thembelitsha Primary School. During the first month it was not easy because I was struggling with the behaviour of the learners. By the end of the term atleat I was adapting to the situation and I had a good relationship with my Afterschool learners. The learners were amazing, eager to learn and showed interest towards the programme. That is when I realised that one day, I want to be a teacher and it's my passion.

In July 2023, I was placed at Chris Nissen Primary School after I got back from the maternity leave. I felt like crying a bit because that was my third school that I was going to be working at. After all, I had to start building a relationship with the principal, staff members and the teachers. The Afterschool programme was good because there was an ITE who was already running the programme. I had to learn all the new changes and skills that made a better person. I never knew that having a relationship with the teachers was very important for us as ITE's until there was a TOC that was implemented in our schools this year, to work with the Maths and Language teachers, support them tech-wise with e-lesson creation and also do one-on-ones with all the teachers supporting them and show them how they can use technology when they are teaching.

Since I joined this programme I have gained a lot of skills, knowledge about technology and most importantly playing a significant role in a team. As a Senior ITE, my impact extends far beyond the calssroom, my passion for education and commitment to excellence. Although being a Senior ITE requires a lot of responsibilities but it's also a good benefit for my future regarding the experience that I get in the programme.