October Leaderboard

Well done to all the schools, teachers and ITE's that have worked so hard this year!! We are almost at the finish line!

We thank you for making a difference
with technology in your classrooms.

We appreciate everyone that is still committed and dedicated, especially now at the end of the year. You can still make it count!

Last push to get on the leaderboard. All data needs to be in by Monday 27 November 10am sharp. :

  • Submit your e-learning lessons and resources. Every teacher need to submit 5 e-lessons with "how did I use technology in the classroom.
  • TTT - One on one or group sessions. You have to attend 4. Make a date with your friendly ITE and go and learn how you can do something e-cool. (e.g. create a word puzzle, word search, quiz, kahoot, worksheet, wakelet) for your class.
  • Resources - Share your PowerPoints, videos that you use with your learners, slideshow that you made for your lesson, with us. Put it in your school online folder and add it to the school self pointing sheet. All resources counts 5 points.
  • Make a comment below and go through the blog topics and comment!! You are aiming for 4- 8 comments! Just add your name surname, email and your school where it says website. Some posts to comment on:

32 thoughts on “October Leaderboard

  1. we as the ITE’s are Commited to helping and assisting where help is needed at all times because we support long life learning and we believe everyone has the right to learn new things everyday. I would also like to thank our ICT coordinator at PMHS and all of our management for showing us the impotency of TEAMWORK.

  2. Happy to be part of a winning team at Concordia Primer. Lovely team to be part of…

  3. As the ITE’s we are trying our utmost best to help where we can, It could have been more easier if all the schools were giving us all their support and making sure that we get all the staff that we need. Thank you to Mr Gomba (ICT Coordinator) for trying and giving us all the support that we need as ITE’s at CNPS.

  4. Die stand van die leaderboard in my opinie is nie altyd die werklike weergawe van die skool se aktiewe deelname aan hierdie inisiatief nie. Onvoorsiene omstandighede soos ons internet konneksie (Maggie dra kennis).

    Ons sit met briljante opvoeders wat op dreef is met die tegnologie en daagliks gebruik, maar beperk word deur die logistieke uitdagings bv. loadshedding ens.

  5. Hierdie punte stelsel kan voordelig en nadelig wees vir ons as opvoeder en skole. Dit kan soms sekere griewe veroorsaak, maar ons hou aan kyk na die positiewe.

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