ITEs are young people who are in a learnership managed by Edunova and sponsored by caring organisations, wanting to ensure that our young people get job experience, as well as quality training opportunities. The youth learnership programme is managed by Yes 4 Youth.

After a careful recruitment process, the youth are appointed for a year long intensive programme in our 13 KILT schools as IT enablers. They are tasked to manage the computer labs and support the e-Learning programme at the schools. In some instances, youth are given the opportunity to stay on at the schools as Senior ITEs, when they prove themselves to be indispensable. This is what we would like to see more of!
Roles and Responsibilities
General ITE Duties
- Be on time at 07:30 and Open Lab.
- Check in between 7:30 and 8:00 on the WhatsApp group (Preferably with leadership).
- Check the cleanliness of the Lab and clean, open windows.
- Switch on the Server, Virtual Machine and Computers. ( Check License Date)
- Check workstations and make a note of workstations that are not working. (Troubleshoot)
- Make sure that forms are printed and ready for completion: Lab attendance, Daily sheet, Visitors sheet
- Do internet speed tests at least 3 times a day (without and with learners)- save screenshots in school folder. Capture average on daily sheet.
- Prep for classes for the next day and afterschool coding, robotics and fun club.
- Assist Educators and learners during lab lessons.
- Learn new tech skills to teach teachers & learners (2 New tools and skills a month) and whatever training is required by KILT or Edunova.
- Assist/support ITE school team in daily operations.
- Manage school G-drive folder system. (You and the IT co-ordinator are the "keepers" of the links)
- Maintain school self pointing spreadsheet. (See template)
- Track elessons and resources and help teachers to upload that!
- Ensure all uploads (Checklists, Lab attendance, visitors logs) are complete.
- Ensure that all after school data are submitted. Daily (to be checked weekly)
- Do reports and submit on time. Upload in the reports folder.
- Switch off the server daily and before loadshedding. NB NB NB.
- Switch computers off at end of the day.
- Ensure the Lab is secure and locked.
- Do social media advocacy for KILT e-learning KILT, and their schools.
- Report any incident that takes place in and around the lab.(Incident Report Sheet)
- Collect all forms and documents.
- Run/manage the fun club, robotics club and Teacher Tech Thursdays (TTT)
- Act as “runners” for information, communication and task flow between KILT and their school.
- Check out (photo) and leave school at 15:30 (preferably with Leadership)
- Do final data capturing on/ by Fridays. Double check your data and make sure that all data sheets are uploaded and online capturing complete.
- Do app training (Look at what teachers are teaching and see if you can find an app for that!)
- Create "How-to" tutorials for apps, software and e-Learning (using Tiktok, Scribd, PPT etc)
- Remind teachers about training and recruit teachers for teachers training (TTT)
- Keep detailed data about training and funclub for the logframe.
- Remember to make your teachers complete the bit.ly/TTThappy sheet after every TTT session (workshop or one on one sessions)
- Volunteer to train apps skills or e-learning workshops. (at other schools--> dlouble points 4 u)
- Provide and capture impact stories. Make sure you upload a impact story form. (AFR | ENG)
- Create blog posts about your e-Learning pathway. (new apps, Ahah moments, learnings)
- Organise meetings and confirm venues with school and IT coordinator.
- Report issues and problems that impact on e-learning delivery at school.
- Take initiative with the groups you belong to. (That is an extra responsibility and compulsory.)
- Travel to and from work/training and be on time.
- Respond ASAP to ‼️NB‼️ Whatsapp messages from your core team.
Senior ITEs( applies to Junior if required and when SITE is not at school)
- Organise workflow and ensuring that everyone understands their duties or delegated tasks as a team.
- Senior ITE's are responsible for their school's e-learning (related), Afterschool programmes, Teacher Tech Thursdays and junior ITE’s.
- Senior must present a management structure and action plan for their team and their school (to help delegate tasks amongst them and their ITE’s)
Seniors are responsible for the relationship between the school and KILT (e-learning project).
- Seniors must mentor and guide Junior ITEs.
- Ensure that all Logframe data is correct and up to date. (Monthly Log-frame meetings will be held)
- Assist JITEs with Edunova assessments and assignments (seniors).
- Make sure that everybody is up to date with their training including yourself. (Assignments and data to be submitted on due dates).
Requirements for Robotics and Fun Club : (ALL ITE’s)
- Recruit Learners (discuss with IT coordinator how to best do it- assembly, notices..)
- Take initiative to solve any arising problems.
- Prepare Lessons and stick to schedule (Starting on
- Attend all after school classes
- Liaise with teachers Attend trainings
- Log/ Report to PL and School - Problems/Equipment -lost or damaged
- Keep in Contact with Parents of Learners
- Putting Food orders in(Robotics only)
- Organise school venues.
- Organise computers and equipment - permission from Principal.
- Robotics and Fun Club school admin - uploading registers, images.
- Monthly Feedback reports upon agreed timeframe.
- Do Testimonials impact stories (media). Don't forget the consent forms (AFR | ENG)
- Do popup workshops.
- Prepare learners for Hackathons.
- Attend all Robotics and Fun Club related events/ activities/ extra murals
- Create Whatsapp group with parents
- Learners should attend all classes, if not parents should be informed
- Mentor and guide Junior ITE's
- Document all parts and components of sets (Robotics).
- Assist in ensuring that targets are met.
- Support PL with any other duties as required.
- Follow and complete all listed activities in the task list to ensure completion of the programme.
Data to be collected and updated every term
- Collect the following data and make sure that it is in your school folders are up to date:
- E-plan folder:
School e-action plan, ICT Policy document, ToC, Asset register. (and any other e-policies and guidelines) - Complete school info list (ICT committee, number of teachers, number of learners)
- List (spreadsheet) of Principal, teachers, names, emails, contact numbers, designation (e.g. teacher T, principal P, deputy D, teacher assistant TA,
- Make an inventory of everything in the lab. Upload asst register to school folder. NB
- E-plan folder:
- Schedule a meeting with the IT coordinator and team and talk about your role and the action plan for e-learning for the year. (Each term - ICT committee Meeting- Minutes to be shared on the Gdrive).
Extra information.
- Communicate with ITE Manager about everything work related or situations affecting work performance.
- Keep track of leave and overtime (mostly given on a Friday).
- Be creative and bring new ideas to integrate e - Learning.
Very informative!!!
Very informative. Thank you!!!
This post is very informative. ITEs are very helpful and have a lot of responsibilities. Hopefully they can keep up the hard work!
Super informative. Thank you!!!
I am a junior IT enabler at Hornlee Primary and I see elearning improving in our school, I see working with projectors, powerpoints, using the lab daily for maths such as MCO can bring about great change.Thiss is the future!
I am Tina France. I am a junior ITE at Chris Nissen Primary School. The only way to get e-learning to grow in the school is to find a way to let the teachers see how e-learning can make their jobs easier and simpler. Once that hurdle is overcome, anything is possible.
My Name is Marion MacKenzie ,Senior ITE at Rheenendal Primary School.
How can we make e-learning better at schools:
Teacher training and support: Offer comprehensive training and ongoing support to teachers to help them adapt to eLearning environments. Provide resources, professional development opportunities, and a supportive community for teachers to exchange best practices and overcome challenges.
So Teachers!!!Come and enjoy TTT with us,every Thursday😉
Hi everyone. I am Sinovuyo Lolwana Junior ITE at Thembelitsha. My plan is to make sure that the teachers are really using e-learning to teach learners and TTT is very important for them so they can have more skills or Knowledge to feed their learners. I would aslo advise learners to join the fun club it’s very important to them to get used how technology works since we are in the 4th Industrial Revolution everything it’s thechnology.
Thanks you
How will I make the school(Fraaisig Primary ) a better school e-learning in the school. Because we serve learners from all social groups of learners that come from different household and mostly are not exposed to technology and all that comes with it. I will introduce new ways in showing the learners what technology is all about and also to get them comfortable technology. When learners as well as educators are comfortable with technology then from there passion will take its course.
I am Phumela Mankeya from Percy Mdala High School.
I believe that I can make E-learning better at my school by being more active, keep building more relationship with my teachers so that they can know they can come to the lab anytime and can also bring their their kids. Remember technology is the future of these kids, so they need to be more comfortable to the computers and not be afraid. Create more confident student and abaphathi bangomso abayaziyo ukuba ubomi bulula xa usazi eze tecknology, your pen and paper is not always there but your cellphone n laptop are always there.
Ubomi buyilento ufuna bubeyiyo and imfonomfono yakho yilento yenza ubomi lula so E-LEARNING is what gives you more comfortability to love technology.
Teachers life was difficult before but emagen not having to be dirty by a chalk instead just have your laptop and projector, everyday you go back home ravishing as if you have no stresses of teaching.
I am Megan Alexander and i am the senior Ite at hornlee Primary.
We as team at hornlee Primary, have already started on enhancing technologies & elearning. Our grade 4-7 teachers no longer write on green boards. They all use data projectors.
The vision we have is going paperless in the next few years. The aim is no longer to write but only use technology in the classes if it is using using laptops, tablets , computers or cellphones. This is our vision.
Learn the kids at school more computer skills.
– Like for instance how to log into
the computers.
– How to type by using Word.
– Learning to use the internet/
tiktok for educational purposes.
– Using LEGO bricks to count,
almost like an abacus.
As a Senior ITE helping the Core Team, I hope to leave behind working Point Collection Systems that are easy for anyone to use and understand. And to make sure the collection of points is a seamless process that can happen on a monthly basis.
I am Sharolene Herder, senior Ite at Redlands Primary School .I invision making e-learning at my school better by enabling teachers with the necessary skills to be confident in taking over e-learning and being able to build on the foundation that I have tought them to elevate their school as well as the learners knowledge by using e-learning as a tool to excite and motivate learners and showing learners that learning can be fun and is not just this one dimensional means of education.
Goeie dag. Ek is Anidene Wildeman die Senior ITE by Sunridge Primer. My wisie vir E-learning by my skool is om meer voete in die lab te kry, om onderwysers na die party toe te bring sodat hulle meer “E” kan geteach word veral hierdie gene wat nie so goed is daarin nie. Op hierdie manier weet ons dat hulle die leerders ook gaan aanspoor om by die lab uit te kom en aan ons na skoolse programme sal wil deelneem.
I am Pumelela and i am in Sedgefield Primary school I can help changing the school by providing adaptive learning technologies which can assess individual strengths and weaknesses, providing targeted instruction and resources to help students grasp concepts effectively.
Hi ek is Yulin Davids. Ek is n Senior ITE by Knysna Secondary school.
Hoe ek dink ons e-learning kan verbeter by ons skool.
Ons moet eers elke onderwyser gewoont en gemaklik maak mrt tegnologie en hule wys hoe tegnologie n voordeel sal wees en hulle werk sal verbeter vir hulle. Die Leardership van die skool moet dit verpligting maak vir alle onderwysers om e-learning toe te pas in hulle klas kamers. Die wat nie die moontlike opleiding het nie sal moet boek vir TTT sodat ek en my Junior ITE Mzuyanda Oliphant hulle kan verduidelik en seker te maak hulle is gemaklik met technology.
How can I improve e-learning in my school?
1. Give teachers the chance to participate in professional development to aid in their successful transition to e-learning environments. Provide training sessions on the use of pedagogical methodologies, online assessment methods, and e-learning tools.
2. Through interactive learning exercises like tests, surveys, online conversations, and group projects, promote active engagement. Include gamification components, like as leaderboards or badges, to promote friendly rivalry and encourage students to interact with the material.
3. Create or gather compelling, interactive, and curriculum-aligned high-quality content. Make use of multimedia tools to enhance the learning process, such as films, animations, and interactive simulations. To accommodate various learning styles, provide a variety of learning resources.
These are just a few ways that we can improve and/or enhance e-learning within the schools we are placed in. Sho ke
I am Mxolisi Qele I am a junior ITE at Percy Mdala High school , I am looking forward to making e-learning better at my school by looking for apps they can use for their subjects and installing them on the tablets and make sure that they use those tablets. I will also promote the usage of projected notes or school work rather than writting on the board with a chalk or marker.
I am looking forward to starting our new typing sessions at Percy Mdala especially the grade 10+ to get them prepared for varsity and life after school and make sure that they get used to computers because that is a skill that they need.
I am Chelsea Gallant the Senior ITE at Concordia Primary school and to be able to better e-learning at school one first need to determine what the goal, vision and mission is. To be able to improve and better e-learning it is important to have a good relationship with the principal and school staff, like good communication within the workplace and working together to make e-learning fun and a success.
To improve e-learning at Concordia Primary I would focus on emphasizing to teachers how important e-Learning is and how it could benefit them as well as the learners by making use of technology in their classes on a daily basis. Motivate teachers and learners to mainly take part in e-learning programs (afterschool, TTT. TwT) and support the ITE’s by making use of the lab as much as possible.
Hi my name is Karyn Jantjies, Senior ITE at Brackenhill Primary.
With the exception of the teachers who do not attend TTT, I believe Brackenhill has already adopted E-Learning and it goes extremely well with the learners.
I am Luche Phillips a Junior ITE at CPS. As a junior ite I will better E-learning in my school by starting to know my learner’s motivation and what they want to achieve in the future. I will improve the e-learning school culture and by doing that I will have to have a strategy to make it work. I will create for example a storyboard on all my ideas that I have and make it more clearer and interesting for the teacher’s and also the learner. I’ll promote all my activities with an eye-catching banner
I am Logan Tony , Junior ITe at Fraaisig Primary .Computer labs are important in schools because they provide students with access to technology and digital resources, develop their digital literacy, offer specialized software, promote collaboration, and provide supervised internet access. I want our learners to get more comfortable with using computers . I’ll do my best by putting in all effort to help our learners .
My Name is Sibulele Bazi I’m senior IT enabler at Chris Nissen Primary School, By implementing more and exercising e-Learning in schools I believe e-Learning is a game changer in the department of education as we are in the generation of technology, It is our duty to develop education to be better and also having fun while learning.
This post is very informative. ITEs are very helpful and have a lot of responsibilities. Hopefully they can keep up the hard work!
Thank you for the ITE ‘s. They really assist the school very well. KNYSNA SECONDARY is so thankful for them.