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A star studded discussion using the Jigsaw method!
Thank you for attending our eStar leadership workshop! Did you book? It is worth 5 points, So make sure that you have done so! If you are a principal attending, you will earn and additional 20 points for your school.
In this workshop we will use the Jigsaw strategy to explore how we can make the eStar system fair, fun and rewarding.
To learn more about what the eStar Point system is all about, we have embedded the video from our Webinar here for you to remind you:
The current leaderboard is made up as follows, and include all the TWT attendances, lesson implementation, the signing of the MoU and the first leadership course attendance.
This year school technology will be connected to eLearning commitment and the way we can measure that is by using the Point system. The point system in turn can count towards the eStar system. Today is all about you helping us to design and develop the system. Schools will be allocated tech resources according to the measure of their commitment. So it is important that you as the school leadership take an active part in the process.
eCop 2 Discussion
Please comment on each of the 4 questions below by replying to the questions and adding your name, surname, school and reply. Each comment will count 5 points towards the star system. Yes/ no does not count- at least a sentence!!!
Question 1:
What items would you like to be added to the point system and why?
See link for the proposed Point system
Question 2:
How does the point system fit in with your schoolβs Vision and Mission?
Question 3:
How many points / what should make a star? Please motivate your answer
Worksheet link
Question 4:
What are the challenges and fears about the point system?
Question 1:
What items would you like to be added to the point system and why?
See proposed point system here:
[ ] Mission and vision submission( school mamaging worksheet) 1000
[ ] Internal training (word excel) 100
[ ] Local cluster groups 50 points per meetups
[ ] New inavative proposals 100
[ ] Give points to when courses completed 50 by teachers(10 per module)
Thanx Waiden… Just to clarify, obviously the emphasis is on e.
So the updated ICT vision, mission and strategy and some indication on where the school is with making that a reality.
Internal training (love it) I will gladly allocate points to that!! Is that for the school? I would also like to reward the teachers for attending e.g 20 points per teacher???????
[ ] Local cluster groups 50 points per meetups –
I take it this is to discuss ict/elearning related stuff???
[ ] New innovative proposals 100
Yes yes yes examples????
[ ] Give points to when courses completed 50 by teachers (10 per module)
For TwT the teacher gets 50 points on completion: e.g. uploading the lesson to the school g-drive and me https://lessonplan.kiltelearning.co.za The teacher also then receive their strategy badge and will be entered into the monthly incentive draw.
Hi Maggie. Just to add on to what Waiden has mentioned. We were in the same group for this discussion. The internal training would related to office365 programs, moodle and google apps for example.
Also, innovative methods to e-learning would be what I showed you regarding the E-Book and podcasts to help with teaching in the classroom and instructions.
Also, having systems in place to move towards a paperless classroom – example teacher files, learner files, subject files, etc.
To get points for performance and the small schools to be regarded different the bigger schools.
1. ICT policy
2. Having a ICT committee in place.
3. Interschool competitions regarding what they learn in their afternoon programs. Minecraft can also be included.
4. ICT integration with lessons.
5. Dual teaching methods.
Any training that has to do with ICT should be given at 25 points.
A 1000 points for the School’s ICT mission and vsion
Question 2:
How does the point system fit in with your schoolβs Vision and Mission?
To continuesly grow and became better teachers and grow in technology.
Key Is to Constantly grow.
Our school and staff are constantly looking for ways and means to empower and better our learning and teaching. Our vision clearly states that we want to be the school of choice in Eden Central Karoo The point system will encourage us all to improve and develop ourselves and those around us.
The point system helps us monitor our drive towards our end and ongoing goals. It motivates us along the way and it helps tick boxes repeatedly. It drives healthy competition and improving schools along the way with innovate ideas and strategies.
The point system motivates the school to continuously participate in the ongoing workshops and trainings. As the school want to move to digital teaching and learning in 3years time from now 2025. And the workshops and trainings will benefited us from moving to digital teaching in future.
Question 3:
How many points / what should make a star? Please motivate your answer
There are 5 stars: to be able to get a star, you must build up 1000 points to move up. But, each star is divided into categories: for example, star 1 exists out of ICT police, having an e-vision and mission in place and having a ICT committee. Complete all those and you earn your first star. Each star has their own categories that needs completion.
Taking minutes electronically at meetings
50 points per star. Points collected over 2 week period
1000 points per star. Points can be gained through the point system and stars can be filled with each 1000 points. Eg, Concordia Primary 1800 points = 1 star.
High level of collaboration and communication with kilt and Edu nova. emails regarding the challenges schools face give them 3 stars per email or any form of communication.
Question 4:
What are the challenges and fears about the point system?
Challenges: time and availability is a big challenge regarding the star system. It isn’t always possible to do everything that is needed.
Fears: what will happen to the children when they leave school and they haven’t learned all or some of the necessary skills.
The challenges and fears are that we as a multi grade school Wil not be able to attend every workshop to get the necessary points like the mono grade schools, or the so called big schools that has 40 teachers.
So we will always struggle to get more points on the log.
Fear is that the star system will Be advantageous and easily attainable to schools with more teachers on the program than where other schools are limited.
I would love to see a complete overhaul of the current point system. The system, as it is now, does not take into consideration school sizes and available IT resources. It ifollows a one size fits all approach with the result that unnecessary pressure is being put on teachers who are already struggling with our “normal” workload.
Totally agree, that is why I am asking for the school leadership’s input in changing the star system to be a fair and fun system. At the moment we are only measuring what KILT asks us to measure. It is time that we get more creative. What do you suggest Llewelyn? How can we tailor it to fit all sizes?
π star system vs multigrade schools the challenge we fears for principals to attend all workshops most mulitgrade schools have 2 or 3 teachers not all personal want to participate all the stress and pressure is on the poor principals he have other administrative issues, workshops also to attend if he have no support from his fellow members or member what can he do? Just think about it. The π star point is a Positive initiative. The star system needed to be look from a different angle when grading multigrade schools. The participants believed that handling Multigrade classes requires time effort and balance. Through these experiences principals learned to adjust.
The star system will be created by the KILT schools and must be something that you will be proud of and are both reasonable and feasible. I am looking forward to see how you all, no matter whether you are a big or small school contribute to the creation of the star system. Time for even the smaller schools to start shining!
The reading program that kilt do at the schools the reading teacher can make used of the lab and let the learners reads on the computers, tablets find stories that they can read. this is happening every day at schools so schools can get 2 or 3 stars per learner.
The challenges and fears Multigrade schools also experienced different extrinsic challenges such as distance, lack of resources, workload, and learners’ absenteeism. argues that professional and social isolation is one of the challenges multigrade schools face. this all may effected the star point system as teachers may not always be available to attend workshops.