ITE Holiday training: Day 3: Wakelet with a bit of Ai

Activity 1: Wakelet Challenge

You are an IT enabler and you need to create a TTT session for your teachers to teach them how to use Wakelet. This means that you first have to become an expert in how to use it and how you can use it in the classroom. How can you become a (Wakelet) tool guru?

  • Create a learning pathway to teach yourself how to use the tool
  • Register an Wakelet account
  • What kind of tool is? Look around and see what you can find out about the tool.
  • Look at how others use the tool in the classroom- see if there are some classroom and subject specific examples. Put yourself in your teachers and learners shoes.
  • How does this tool support the 4Cs?
  • Go and look at a few Wakelet Youtube tutorials and teach yourself first! Search for:
    • "Using Wakelet in the classroom tutorial"
    • "Wakelet for teachers"
    • "How to create educational collections with Wakelet"
    • "Wakelet in education"
  • To do:
    • Add a Wakelet google chrome extension to your webbrowser for easy bookmarking
    • Create a few collections (How do you do that?)
    • Organise your public profile (see
  • Make a list of how a teacher can use Wakelet in the classroom.
  • Share your wakelet with us in our ITE wakelet collection! Join code to add your wakelet: u2pwe4m5

Activity 2: Ai toggie

Today we will play with a variety of AI and teacher tools that will make lesson planning, assessment, gamification and worksheet creation (to name but a few) a breeze. We will also learn how to use Speed dating as a learning strategy.

I asked chatgpt to create a random list of Ai tools for us. Your job will be to go and investigate the tool. Don't forget to add it to your Wakelet!

Randomized NamesRandomized Tools (app) 15

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What can the tool do?
  • How can we use it in our classroom, subject, grade, topic?
  • Create an example of how a teacher/ learner will use it.

Create a PowerPoint Instagram slide deck of at least 4 slides with the 1:1 dimension of what is the tool about and what it can do and how you can use it in the classroom.

  • Open PowerPoint --> File--> New --> Blank Presentation
  • Go to Design --> Slide size --> Custom slide size
  • Change the width and height to 20cm (square)
  • Create 4 to 10 slides explaining what your tool is all about
  • Share on our whatsapp group
  • Create your


  • Make sure that you have your slidedeck ready
  • Move along and explain what your tool is all about!!

16 thoughts on “ITE Holiday training: Day 3: Wakelet with a bit of Ai

  1. I have remembered szlai ai app and you can take a photo and put it in the the app will make it beautiful no matter how bad your handwriting are.
    I have remembered conker ai . with one click you can create a quiz .

  2. I have rememeberd…
    -clipdrop – changes your background when you take a picture 15 – same as Ai give you a set of answers to your question but what makes it different its the fact that at the end it gives you a picture about your topic

  3. I remember Lesson Lab. It is a tool which creates lesson plans, emails and kahoots. It is useful for quizzes .
    Speechify is a tool which converts documents to a speech.
    Slides Ai generates Slides using Ai. It is very useful for PowerPoint Presentations.
    Copy AI generates creatives ideas on assignments.
    Defit for teachers Includes researchers in topics. It also gives an overview, summaries and engagiging questions. It gives links, URL’s. It’s also known as a Research hub.
    QueryPod is an tool that creates presentations, using slides. It allows you to share the link with learners so they can engage with the presentation while you are busy with it.
    Magic AI is almost like a story writer. It makes use of rubrics.

  4. Slides AI: generates a presentations by inputting text/topic

    Speechify: A text to audio tool to enhance reading and understanding for people with reading or learning disabilities as well as the visually impaired by transcribing the text in any document to audio

  5. I remember is an Al- Driven tool that convert any information to quizzes or flashcards. Its the same as Kahoot.
    I remember Perplexity it is a tool that does the same thing as Chatgpt but provides more detailed information. an online quiz-making platform accessible via any web browser.
    Quizalize is an online game that lets you engage your class and deliver instant assessments for personalized learning. is a tool that allows you to remove your background and allow you to put any background on your photo of your choice.

  6. Speechify- Turns text into speech. It helps people with reading disabilities and visual impairment by having document read out loud. Used IA to create slide( POwerpoints)

    Edugpt-offer pre-produced educational activities

  7. I have remembered , Dall e-2 which is a tool that was given to Logan , it is a tool that helps you find different pictures to use in a classrom and it is more like chatgpt but consists of pictures.

    I also have remembered , clipdrop which was a tool allocated to Sino. the app basically helps you change your background and it would help make you seem like you are in Paris while you are in Knysna, it can be used in schools for matric or graduation pictures.

    I also learned about question-well, which was a tool allocated to Sherry, The Tool basically helps you create questionnaires and outcomes of the lesson just by giving a certain topic, it can do it for any grade and it is free.

    I also Have learned about CONKA FROM hugh.

  8. I remember Copy AI it generates ideas of content
    I remember slides App where you create Equations and share the link
    I remember Quizelise can used to conduct assignments and also create games based on quizzes to test learners

  9. Speechifly – Changes a document to a voice doc
    Sizzle – Solves problems in any language and analyze the pic and solves it
    Lies – Create Lessons, assessments and quiz

  10. I have remembered; Drop which is a platform for editing and enhancing pictures; DALL-E is a platform that turns your texts into images, it can be used for storytelling; Quizwell is an AI question generator. Input a topic and the AI writes multiple choice, fill in the blank, short answer; Perplexity Ai is similar to ChatGPT but the only difference is that with the explanation to your question, it gives you an image to go with; Conker Ai creates unique quizzes with a range of engaging question types; Slides Ai text to presentation tool that summarizes and creates presentation slides from any piece of text; yappity is a website similar to flippity whichb deals with gamification.

  11. I learned about the tool it generates ideas for blogpost and emails.

    I learned about the tool also and that it is almost just like chatgpt but just better than chatgpt. you can create powerpoint presentations and can use it for all the grades.

  12. generates ideas of story, emails and blogpost. changes doc to voice notes.
    Microsoft bing-create AI image
    eduai- its like chatgbt where you can search for information.

  13. it is the same as kahoot, you can create quizzes 15 is the same chatgpt but more cooler, because when you ask question it answers and add pictures.
    clip drop background remover you can create quizzes

  14. Clipdrop – Can take any image of for instance someone at the beach, and change the background to make it look like you are in timesquuere.

    Perplexity – Can create anything from a prompt, and with added images.

    Quizelise – Can insert any topic into it, and will generate a range of multiple choice questions about the topic.

    Szl. ai – Can create a lessonplan about any subject by insert any subject.

  15. This is awesome. Love seeing that the ITEs are constantly expanding their knowledge of useful technologies.

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