Check how many of the following criteria you have already mastered! If you need assistance with any of the criteria, please book a one on one with your ITE or work through the Rotation station material :
You have to attend one of the Face to Face Rotation station workshops (last opportunity - 20 August, Book now)
See your ITE at least twice a month for some inspiration or to assist with your DIeP lesson and catch up with the eLI training team once a month (at school or at at the office - Knysna Buss Centre, 26 Waterfront Road)
The criteria for the Rotation Station Badge are as follows:
Please make sure that you can do, have done ALL of the items below. If you need assistance, please ask your friendly ITE for help you.
- Attend the Rotation Station workshop (Maths / Languages) and complete the Happy sheet (
- Create Create your lesson plan ready to do with your learners. Use the template: Lesson plan template. See:
- Implement the lesson with your class.
- Complete the lesson plan template (, and upload all stations, media and your lesson plan to your G-drive folder.