We cant wait to get some time to catch up with our teacher lesson preparation. Next term the heat is on for the best e-lesson. The playing ground is level and we are looking for the school team who can come up with the most jaribaaaaa tech infused e-lessons! So, this holiday our ITEs will be getting their tool kit ready to rumble and see what amazing tech they can assist the teachers with.

Action list:
- 18 - 20 March: Collect the flip lesson material and ideas from your DIeP teachers to work on during the holiday.
- 20 March: submit your badge certificates
- 22 March: Prepare for the Vocational workshop
- 25 March: Vocational workshop (Email and Internet) @ Knysna sec 8:30-14:00
- 25- 28 March: Prepare e-lessons with tech infusions and apps for teachers. Consult the ATPs for YOUR teachers to come up with apps, ideas and suggestions (for one on ones at the beginning of next term). Create a "mock" lesson plan for each of your teachers (MG schools will do multiple lessons for their teachers)
- 2 April: Maths workshop support with Sandra @Knysna High
- 3 April: Term start!!!!