- ITE Daily Procedure:
- Be at school by 07:30. High Schools 07:55. All checked in on WhatsApp Group by 08:00.
- View WhatsApp group for any To Do videos or lists.
- Tidy lab and set out all documents that need to be completed for the day.
- Start with lessons. - Complete the ITE booking sheet
- Complete Daily Checklist and Lab Attendance
- If you have a one on one session or workshop you have to complete the eLi Attendance register and the teachers must complete TTTHappy Sheet.
- Prepare for Study club and get Supervisors and teachers to sign the Visitors Log
- Upload all admin DAILY to your G-Drive
- Clean lab and Check out via WhatsApp group.
- Weekly procedure:
- Check In with Diep Teachers. PERSONALLY!!!!!
- Prepare for training sessions with your staff.
- Work on your own Portfolio of Evidence.
- Make sure all admin is up to date.
- Weekly Register
- Check in with your Principal and ICT Coordinator.
- Attend Friday Training.
- Monthly:
- Prepare Logframe data for the 25th.
- Have 2 sessions with each DIeP teacher per month.
- Check Lab Inventory
- Make sure your Online Data Capture Sheet is up to date.
- Fill in the Monthly Google Form Month End Form
- Fill in the Monthly Logframe Google Form
If you have any questions or if you are uncertain about anything, please just ask. 🙂