ITEs: SOP’s for our ITEs
  1. ITE Daily Procedure:
  1. Be at school by 07:30. High Schools 07:55.  All checked in on WhatsApp Group by 08:00. 
  2. View WhatsApp group for any To Do videos or lists.
  3. Tidy lab and set out all documents that need to be completed for the day. 
  4. Start with lessons. - Complete the ITE booking sheet 
  5. Complete Daily Checklist and Lab Attendance
  6. If you have a one on one session or workshop you have to complete the eLi Attendance register and the teachers must complete TTTHappy Sheet.  
  7. Prepare for Study club and get Supervisors and teachers to sign the Visitors Log 
  8. Upload all admin DAILY to your G-Drive 
  9. Clean lab and Check out via WhatsApp group. 
  1.  Weekly procedure:
  1. Check In with Diep Teachers. PERSONALLY!!!!!
  2. Prepare for training sessions with your staff.
  3. Work on your own Portfolio of Evidence.
  4. Make sure all admin is up to date. 
  5. Weekly Register
  6. Check in with your Principal and ICT Coordinator. 
  7. Attend Friday Training. 
  1.  Monthly:
  1. Prepare Logframe data for the 25th. 
  2. Have 2 sessions with each DIeP teacher per month. 
  3. Check Lab Inventory 
  4. Make sure your Online Data Capture Sheet is up to date.
  5. Fill in the Monthly Google Form Month End Form
  6. Fill in the Monthly Logframe Google Form

ITE Link Sheet

If you have any questions or if you are uncertain about anything, please just ask. 🙂

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