Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are two different types of word relationships that involve similarity and opposition in meaning. Here are their definitions:

Synonyms: Synonyms are words or phrases that have similar or nearly identical meanings. They can be used interchangeably in many contexts to convey the same or similar ideas. For example, "happy" and "joyful" are synonyms because they both convey a similar emotion of happiness. Synonyms help to add variety, richness, and precision to language.

Antonyms: Antonyms, on the other hand, are words that have opposite meanings. They represent concepts or ideas that are contrary or contradictory to each other. For instance, "hot" and "cold" are antonyms because they represent opposite temperatures. Antonyms are useful for expressing contrast, emphasizing differences, and conveying nuanced meanings.

As we prepare for the Annual National Assessment here are a activity you can use in your class to help prepare your learners.

Subject: Afrikaans Home Language Grade: 6 Content : Synonyms and Anonyms

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