ITE’s, October is our time to be social!

Task 1: Social media- why?

Our theme for next term is advocacy and we will be learning how we can use social media to fundraise and create online campaigns (for our incentive points system). We also need to establish a professional online presence that will tell the story of our successful career pathway! So go ahead and share why we need to be on social media (or not🤣)

Task 2: Social media- where?

Which platforms will be the best for creating our Social media presence in order to run our fundraising campaigns? We will be raising funds for prizes for our eLearning Points system rewards for our schools, our teachers, our school leaders and even ourselves. You, our ITEs have worked hard to get our learners e-savvy, coding and moving our robots, as well as chasing e-lessons. So, ITEs will also stand a chance to share in our incentive prizes! Let's get started by making sure that we cover all the main social media platforms and see how they can be used differently for advocacy and fundraising.

We will restrict our efforts to some of the main social media platforms in order to establish the differences between them and were we can get the most traction. To get some background about social media trends and which are the most popular platforms in South Africa, go and study the Digital 2022 Report for South Africa.

  • Activity 2 Read

Task 3: Create your BIG 7 Social Media profiles

You can choose if you want to use your personal social media profiles or create profiles using your email address. (join the discussion below) If you want to keep personal and work separate, create work profiles. For example use username (Yourname-Surname-KILT).

Activity 3: Make sure that you create profiles on (and follow each of the linked KILT elearning accounts below): (google how to is you don't know how to 😍)

  • Instagram
  • Youtube (your Gmail account will already give you a YouTube profile- create a channel for KILT-elearning)
  • Twitter
  • Tik Tok
  • Linkedin
  • Facebook (Page) (Use your personal profile, to create a professional Facebook page that you will use to kick start your "learning influencer" journey)
  • Wakelet (our curation platform)

Task 4: Create your Professional Learning Network

The magic of social media is.... (no not to watch hours and hours of videos).... to create powerful networks of learning and support. We will start close to home by following each other and all our KILT spaces.

  • Follow ALL the EDONOVA KILT spaces in our KILT Wakelet
  • Follow all your KILT Edunova fellow ITEs and make comments on their posts. (Points per comments likes and follows).

Task 5: Tell (y)our (work) story

Advocacy is about making people aware of your cause. Our cause in our KILT schools is to tell the story of how we are supporting schools to become star elearning schools. So that should be our focus. And of course all the fun we are having!

  • What magic elearning moments are happening in our computer lab?
  • What impact stories can we tell?
  • What is happening in coding, robotics?
  • Give your learners a voice. Help your teachers to find their voice!
  • Show moments from the e-mazing e-lessons happening in our schools.

Some rules:

  • Only use pictures that you have consent for.
  • If you do not have consent, make sure that it is "general" pictures where you can not recognise the learners faces (e.g. a picture form the back)
  • Always have consent forms on hand (especially if you are going to doing a video)

Enjoy your time away form the schools and make the most of it!!

Due date of task completion: 12 October 2022

31 thoughts on “ITE’s, October is our time to be social!

    1. Having to choose between a professional and personal account i would without a doubt choose a personal account. With good reason of course. When you post something using your personal account everyone can see it, your friends, family and all your other followers. With this being said it is evident to them just how important molding these young minds into tech geniuses are. And it also helps spread awareness of our project and what we stand for and with this they can also like share and comment on our material that we post but when using a professional account no one outside of your work can see it and how does that help us/the children or the project?

    2. Personally as someone who is a very private person I prefer to have a professional account that way I can limit what people view only to my professional life. That way when in future jobs where people might view your social media presence it’s only limited to what you have done professionally. It’s much more easier for your social image to get tainted on a personal account than on a professional

    3. Professional account . This allows you to separate the personal from the professional and keep your privacy unexposed. The professional account also helps you to fully engage in your professional work whilst not having to worry for the exposure of your personal profile.

      1. Why?

        Social media comes down to a simple basic human desire: the need to connect with other humans, to be part of a group. On a personal level, social media allows you to communicate with friends and family, learn new things, develop your interests, and be entertained. Participating in social chats can also be a great way to increase your visibility, get attention from new people, showcase your expertise, and drive traffic to your website.

    4. Professional Account without a doubt. I am not a fan of social media and have been avoiding it successfully for 22 years.

      However, I see the benefits in having a professional account on social media. As a private person, I don’t like having my personal information or experiences posted online, and having a professional account helps limit what information gets put online.

      Having a professional account allows potential employers to see what I have done during my work experiences and validates the information on the work experience I would put on my CV. It also opens doors to networking and finding potential jobs.

    5. The best account for me to use is the professional account for all the work related staff that I will post, because I believe that personal and work staff are different from each other. Personal account can be used for the posts that can be shared with friends, family and other followers that you have.

    6. for me I would prefer using the account that I already have, which is my personal account.


    Social Media is the new easy way to communicate with our loved ones. It makes things easier and also a way to advertise our small businesses, not only to the people who know you but also to the people who do not know you.

  2. I personally feel professional…as I am not that into posting stuff on social media on my personal account but having to do it fo work I would not hesitate because it’s going to be all professional, and it’s great publicity

  3. I would most definitely use my personal account. Reason for this is that I have already a following and this will allow more people to see the works that is being done and get the interest higher from them to at a point take part in this amazing great project that #changeslives

  4. We use soocial media to share information and also social media allows us to comminicate with friends and family.Social media helps us to learn new things.

  5. I believe it is an effective approach to showcase Edunova/Kilt and our abilities , particularly when it comes to dealing with children, to the globe. In order to keep my personal and work lives apart, I would prefer to use a professional account. Even while the platform would continue to receive likes and comments , I can be sure that they would only be absolutely professional

  6. Why do we need to be on Social media?

    #To get more qualified leads
    #Use advanced targeting options easily
    #Build a community
    #Grow your brand’s reputation
    #Direct Contact With Target Audience
    #To communicate to a large group at the same time

  7. Personally I would want to use my already existent social media profiles just because I am already following and liking the KILT social media pages.

  8. Why do we need to be on social media?
    To be on social media allows one to communicate with you family and friends and it makes it easier to stay in touch especially when they live far. It allows you to learn new things, developing your interests and being entertained. Social media also provides a platform where you can share your knowledge with others and gain the necessary credibility.

  9. Personal of professional account?
    I would rather continue on my personal account as I already have lots of friends and family who would be able to see the exciting and amazing inspiring stories I share.

  10. we use social media to advertise business and to communicate with people that are far from us or to meet new people.

  11. The purpose of using Social Media as an ITE allows me to connect with my audience on a level that no other channels outlets does. It also increase Edunova and Kilts awareness. It definitely improve Communication and Engagement.

    Having a personal account gives me more control of my account than being public, it also limits who has access to my content.
    I personally feel to have my own personal account.

  12. Why do we need to use social media?

    Social media has developed and grown since its creation. It started with the simple idea of connecting people all around the world with their friends and family. And has since grown to be one of the best marketing and networking platforms.

    Making use of social media can improve the connection people or companies have with their audience, thus making it easier to see and understand what trends are popular among your audience. These trends in turn can influence the direction in which companies or people develop their brand.

  13. You can keep in touch and connect with relatives and friends all across the world through social media. Make new acquaintances and join new groups; connect with those who have similar goals or interests. Join or support deserving causes; spread the word about crucial concerns.

  14. I feel we need to be on social media to expand and allow more people to engage in E-LEARNING!

  15. Activity1: As ITE’S we need to be on social media to connect as well as spread awareness and reach out to individuals who would want to help or participate in a way. It is also good publicity and shows it also help show the great moments thats captured dlwhile we work.

  16. Social media is the easiest and cheaper platform to communicate with people that are far from you, and it is good for advertising things such as businesses, job opportunities and other marketing staff.

  17. why?

    #communicate with friends and family
    # learn new things
    #develop your interests
    #be entertained.

  18. Why we need to be in socila media?

    Social media provides a platform where you can share your knowledge to stay up to date with news and current events and develop your interests

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