My journey as ITE- Sharolene Herder

In August of 2021 I embarked on my journey as an ITE at Karatara Primary School. As many things in life, I was uncertain of what to expect and was therefore extremely nervous.

The first time I met my fellow August ITEs was on the day we signed our contracts. A week after that we started our two weeks crunch training to prepare for our time in the schools . During these training sessions, I got to know my fellow ITEs and facilitators and even got to learn a few things about myself .

I am an introvert at heart but being a part of this program has truly helped me fight those social anxieties that I have always struggled with . Having the opportunity to meet new people as well as the learners I get to interact with on a daily basis, has help me grow, not only in my career, but also as a member of society.

Working with children from as young as 5 years old to 13/14 year olds was such a foreign experience for me. Let's admit, having a part in molding a child, teaching a child, is quite scary . In a way a child is  like a sponge , they absorb everything you instill in them and that does not only pertain to things you would tell them verbally, but also what you show them . But I can attest that working with all of them has been my highlight , having a student come up to you and ask for a hug or just give you a little card that says thank you teacher, I appreciate you, has brought nothing but joy to me.

The students bring laughter, light and so much happiness to me even on the days where the clouds seem a little cloudy.

I am truly honored to be part of such an amazing program that helps empower and educate our youth to have a better tomorrow .

It is fulfilling to see the growth and impact this program has had on my life in such a short time .

I always used to shrink myself and hide my true potential in order to not let others feel inadequate , but I have learnt that is okay to shine , it’s okay to be me and this one of my greatest gains .

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