eCoP 1: eLearning Processes
Leadership eCop1

What are we accountable for? How can we support one another in our eLearning implementation journey? How can the point system recognise and reward our commitment towards elearning integration?

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Thank you to all the IT Coordinators and Principals who attended our first eCop webinar. We understand that our schools and staff are under a lot of pressure timewise and will therefore make sure that those who cannot attend in real time, will be able to catch up here in our online space. You can go through the information shared at your leisure and become part of the conversation.

All those who attended in real time have gained 20 points towards their school 's point system. By working through this post and becoming part of the discussion below, you will also be able to earn points towards our school eLeaderboard! All comments will count 5 points.

For ease of  reference, we have divided the recording in 3 parts: 

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  • What we, the Kilt eLearning team, will do this year and how we are planning to support you. Our role and responsibilities.
  • How you as leadership, alongside your staff, can become 5 star eSchools.
  • The ePoint star system: How is it going to work?

Part 1: KILT Roles and responsibilities

Part 2: School's Roles and responsibilities

Part 3: The eStar System

eCoP 1 Discussion

Please comment on each of the 3 questions below by replying to the questions and adding your name, surname school and reply. Each comment will count 4 points towards the star system.

Question 2:
What issues have you, as school (leadership, staff, learners) experienced that makes it difficult to participate in the KIlT eLearning programme?


Question 3:
Is the Point eStar system a fair way to measure school's commitment to integrating eLearning?


Question 1:
What issues have your school encountered this year regarding Kilt eLearning delivery at your school?


25 thoughts on “eCoP 1: eLearning Processes

    1. Small/Multigrade schools do not have the wcg broadband. We have to use our own ISP`s. We had connectivity difficulties. Better now that we changed our package.

    2. The delay with placing ITE’s at the school caused the operation of the lab to be stalled. The ITE’s facilitate in the lab as many teacher do not know how the lab operates.

    3. The major challenge was Eskom. The WiFi gets interrupted and it becomes to slow.

  1. Question 2:
    What issues have you, as school (leadership, staff, learners) experienced that makes it difficult to participate in the KIlT eLearning programme?

    1. Admin barrier for us because we do everything our self at school.
      The fact that we are a multi grade school and everyday brings it own challenges.

      Meetings with the wced and subjects advisors.

      Last is most of us are from George and we must drive home after school, and some of the meetings are in knysna.

      Some teachers even mention the petrol prizes to attend meetings.

      The environment that we are teaching in.

    2. As a grade 12 teacher we have a lot of commitments during and after school like study sessions and extra classes. Our school has quite a full program. Study sessions after school are from Monday to Thursday and over weekends. It takes a lot of preparation and unfortunately when we prioritize we have to give preference to our matriculation.

    3. Multigrade schools always have a challenge in selecting which workshop/training to attend. Same person must attend. Wced gets preference…

    4. The delay of our ITE’s to the schools limited the use of our lab. ITE’s help facilitate in the lab as our teachers aren’t all fully aware of how the lab operates and ITE’s help with this barrier.

    5. Time is a major barrier. Most of the time the same educators attend the workshops. Sometimes there two workshop on the same day…

    1. It is a good system but yet again I don’t feel like it is fair towards multi grade schools.

      Because circumstances are different from school to school.
      So it’s difficult for us to allocate teachers to attend every meeting.

    2. It does not work for our small schools. I think schools must be grouped according to their size and the criteria be reviewed.

  2. It’s an excellent motivation tool but it is a bit frustrating competing with schools that have more teachers on the program compared to a school that is limited to a certain amount of teachers.

    1. I thought about just making 5 teachers count towards the point system until I was wowed by the level of their commitment to come to training. Bigger schools can also earn extra points by doing on demand training. Time to get inventive!! 😉

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