Wakelet is a curation tool to manage your resource and share your favourite sites and tools. It is definitely more fun doing it collaboratively as we will aim to create a KILT-wide repository of quality resources. To claim your badge, please work your way through the Wakelet criteria and add your Wakelet profile link our Communal Teacher Wakelet
The criteria for the Wakelet Badge are as follows:
Please make sure that you can do ALL of the items below. If you need some assistance, please ask your friendly ITE for support. Below the criteria section you will find a list of activities to help you achieve the criteria for the Wakelet badge.
You have to be able to:
- Create a Wakelet account
- Explore and follow good subject related resource collections
- Search for good subject related resources
- Create at least 2 collections of resources for your subject/ grade/topic/Class
- Follow our Klearning Wakelet account (wakelet.com/@klearning)
- Make a copy of our KILT-Edunova spaces as a collection in your Wakelet and follow all our spaces and places!
- Install and use the Wakelet browser extension on your computer (chrome)
- Make your collections public by publishing it.
- Add at least one resource to our collaborative Wakelet resource collection.
- Add your Profile to our teacher collection and follow one another (especially the teacher teaching the same grade and subjects as you!)
What is Wakelet?
- Wakelet is essentially a bookmarking (curation) tool that helps you to collect, organise and share resources. You never have to lose a good resource again!
Get Wakelet certified (optional)
Work through the optional Wakelet course and get Wakelet certified! https://wakelet.com/@wakeletcertifiedcourse
Add your wakelet profile and follow each other’s profiles
Your name:
Your school:
Grades you teach:
Subjects you teach:
Wakelet profile link:
eg mine is https://wakelet.com/@klearning
Your name: Jessica Sutcliffe
Your school: Fraaisig
Grades you teach: Foundation Phase
Subjects you teach: All
Wakelet profile link: https://wakelet.com/@JessicaSutcliffe16023
Name: Dereticha Coetzee
School: Hornlee Primary
Grades: 4
Subjects: Maths, Geography, History, NST, Creative Arts
Wakelet profile:https://wakelet.com/@DeretishaPietersen69311
Name :Xolelwa Malkoko
School: Chris Nissen Primary
Grade : 4,6 & 7
Subjects: English, Creative Arts ,Life Orientation and PSW
Wakelet profile :https://wakelet.com/@XolelwaMalkoko56114
Name: Chelsea Gallant
School: Concordia Primary
Grade: 4
Subjects: ALL
Wakelet profile: https://wakelet.com/@ChelseaGallant
Name: Houston Kock
School: Concordia High School
Grade: 8- 11
Subjects: Maths/ MathLit
Wakelet Profile: https://wakelet.com/@HoustonKock5824