The year is running away with/from us!! Help! Quick! Submit the terms e-Lessons!! We want to see what amazing lessons and resources you all came up with! All teachers have to submit at least 5 e-lessons this year, so it is a good time to LEVEL UP and claim your points!
We have simplified the process for you- you can just ask your friendly ITE to help you complete the online e-lesson form and assist you to upload 5 lessons proof (e.g. photos taken during the lesson, your PowerPoint or slideshow, your word/pdf worksheets, your Kahoot or Flippity link etc). These 5 lessons will be entered into BEST LESSON awards.
All the additional resources in your folder will count 5 points.
What is an e-lesson?
It is any lesson where you used technology to create your lesson resources and made use of technology during your lesson. Technology is anything e. This can be a data projector, smart tv, interactive white board, smartphone, speaker and any software or app running on any of the previously mentioned devices. It can be a website or (youtube) video.
It also includes any app or software that you used. For example: MS Word, PowerPoint, Googles slide show, Kahoot, Flippity random name chooser, Mentimeter, Youtube, etc.
So what do you need to submit?
- A lesson plan (20 points) and 40 points for a TwT lesson plan
You can use a scanned written lesson plan or a typed (word) document (download template) or a voice lesson plan clip. It must have the following:- Your name
- The school name
- The grade
- The subject
- The topic
- What the lesson was about (more detail)
- Hardware: e.g data projector, smart TV, interactive smartboard, cellphone, graphics tablet, tablet, iPad, radio, iPod,
- How you used technology in the lesson.
The lesson evidence (5 - 20 points) Any of the following that support your lesson. It can be any
- The PowerPoint /slideshow. (20 pts if you created it yourself, 5pts if you got it from someone else/the internet/ the subject advisor/a colleague, AI) and/or
- A typed worksheet or lesson material (5 pts) and/or
- A video (20pts if you created it) 5pts if it is a Youtube/other video (add the link to your lesson plan).
- A few photos of your learners engaging with the technology and showcasing your topic. (please make sure that learners faces are not visible)
TTT awards
We will allocate prizes according to the following criteria:
- Top Teacher Award -
- Most points made up from
- Lesson plans
- Attending TTT and TwT Workshops and 1 on 1 ITE training attendance.
- Completing the Basic Digital literacy Course (instructions, or ask our friendly ITEs to get you going as a TTT session)
- Webinars (WCED and our Webinars)
- Facilitating peer technology workshops
- Attending After School Learner Computer Fun club.
- Working with ITEs for Badge content
- Most points made up from
- Best lesson Award
- Random wheel Jaribaaaaa
- Every resource you upload inton your school folder earns you an entry into the Random wheel draw.
- Every resource link submitted on our resource page will earn you an entry as well!
How can we make the submission of e-lessons easier for you?
a common format where there is more drop boxes and less tipping replies.
Create a link and share it
Write less information on the lesson plan. Just the basic information with a link. And let the PowerPoint speak for it self
Create space for extra practice sessions for by providing step by step instructions. Create a short guide for teachers to know how to access the link and to upload it
The easiest route would be to create a link with an upload option rather than navigating through Google Drive for an upload. This process is rather time consuming. Looking forward to your reply or solution.
Create a link.
Create and share a link .
By showing us in some form of training
PowerPoint that is lesson and subject specific.
What do YOU want to learn at TTT?
– Open the Skills list- save it in your teacher folder
Filename: KoekemoerMaggie-TTT
– Highlight what you can do in green and what you can’t in red, and what is okay in orange
Tell me what you would like us to train
Tell me what you can train with your colleagues
Let’s make it count!
I need to know more about uploading files
How can I mak it easier for you to upload your lesson plans where you have used technology?
Create a link or something so that I can upload my lessons self because I don’t have time to submit it to ICT member. The ICT member can come to me and get it on my laptop.
Please create a link.
Create and share a link
We can go to the blog, and upload our lesson plans their, via the link that were share, during the TTT workshop.
HPS: Julies .
Create a link
I perspnally feel that, we as teachers have a lot to do especially when it comes to administration. Therefore, we need to be reminded to upload our e-lessons, even if it is everyday!
Create and share a link
Send me a link to the lesson plan or upload the lesson on Google drive
Put it in liks and or a App. Try to make it once a term.
Create a link and share it onto the schools group to make it easier for teachers to upload lessons.
We use E-learning everyday, but we just have to remember or have the time to upload our lessons regularly.
Share one link where we can submit our lessons on a weekly basis or even daily basis. Make it easier to access so that there aren’t any unnecessary pop ups etc.
Create a link and reminder system.
Concordia Primary
Please create a link to make the uploading of our lesson plans easier.
An easy-to-use app to access content and upload lesson plans.