"It's not about what equipment you have, it's about what you do with it."

At KILT/Edunova, I'm Brendon Plaatjies, and I currently work as an IT Enabler. I began the program in April of this year without any prior computer experience and without even understanding how to interact with many people. Although we had the privilege of learning on a black board, we did not have the privilege of having a computer lap and assistance in using these when we were students. Technology is significantly simplifying things for both teachers and students.

Through this training, I've become more like the person I'm meant to be. I had no idea what I was capable of until I found this amazing curriculum for IT Enablers. I'm delighted to say that I have now equipped myself to be a much better employee than I once was. KILT/Edunova is unquestionably living up to its claim that it is 'CHANGING LIVES.' Every child must gain greater knowledge about utilizing a computer and computer programs because the program operates afterschool programs in roughly 15 schools.

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