Can't believe how fast this term is rushing to conclusion. We will do a draw for the TwT lesson plans submitted this term on the 30th!
So, Module 6 Game Based Learning, is our last module for the year and it will be a super fun and relevant session. Come ready to learn as you play as our strategy for this session is Game Based learning!!
Our Lesson Topic is relevant to all educators (and everybody else)! We will look at questions like...
- Can I just use stuff I get from the internet in my worksheets and PowerPoints?
- Who owns the copyright to my hard created lesson material? Me or the school?
- May I just take photos of my learners?
- Can I just make photo copies of textbooks and give it to my learners?
- May I copy selected pages out of several books and assemble my own collection for the private use of my students?
- Add questions at the bottom of this page in the comment section. Lets start the conversation so long.... Comment here
So Teachers, please, join us for module 6 TwT on the 13th of October (First Thursday after the holiday). Remember to book (5 points) . As this is an open session, we do need to know who will be coming.
Lesson Plan
Grade: Teachers Professional development
Subject: eLearning
Topic: Copyright, Fair use and POPI Act
Strategies: Game Based Learning, Gamification, Discussion, Flipped classroom, jigsaw
Pre Reading material (Please read through):
- https://www.mplcsa.org/page/sa-schools-what-is-copyright
- https://kiltelearning.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/2014-Copyright-brochure-for-DOE-and-IEB.pdf
- https://kiltelearning.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Popi-Act-template-for-schools.docx
What tech will be included?
Devices: Cellphones, tablets, data projector (power banks ;-)) bluetooth speaker; bluetooth stand, visualiser
(You only need to bring your cellphone- charged!!)
Software: Powerpoint, Flippity, Quizizz, Mentimeter, Kahoot, Youtube, Tik Tok, Instagram, Padlet, Mindoo, Google forms, Plickers, Socrative.
Level of skill? Beginner to advanced- Bring a spirit of learning and fun!
What would you like to know about Copyright, plagiarism, fair use and the POPI act?
It’s was a great session I learnt a lot it makes me think about my student years.